
Clown Me In helps people find their “personal clown” through clowning workshops. In these workshops, people work on their personal development, explore humor and laughter, learn to let go, to say yes, and acknowledge wounds and weaknesses in a comfortable, non-judgmental atmosphere.

Working with the ”personal clown” means exploring something very personal. Often, this allows people to embrace areas of their lives that are perceived as wounds or faults and can be emotionally difficult to address.

Clowning is a healing tool that doesn’t erase the wounds, but rather transforms them, helping us to use them in a positive way.

It’s a challenge, a revelation. But mostly, it’s a lot of fun to get to know yourself.

Those workshops can also be used by teams, to enhance the bond between their members and make communication in team work better.

Our workshops are adapted to the following groups:

The workshops can be held at our Clown Me In space, or an adequate location at your company or another suitable space.

We also offer classes online via Zoom, for workshops in Lebanon and abroad.

Our clown workshops help people to:

  • Discover their passion for art and explore new horizons for their career development
  • Become agents of change in their areas and help others in their communities to address issues important to them in their local context
  • Have fun and remember the importance of laughter
  • Communicate with each other better 

People interested in a more professional program can join our Institute for Very Very Serious Studies (IIVVSS). In our street performance program we offer experienced and emerging performance artists a 2-year training in performing arts and auxiliary disciplines. For more information, visit the IIVVSS website.

Clowning For Adults

Clown Me In uses clowning techniques to help people find the inner clown waiting to be discovered in each one of us. With our workshops we help participants focus on personal rebuilding, exploring humour and laughter, learning to let go, say yes, and acknowledge wounds and weaknesses in a comfortable, non-judgmental atmosphere. Psychological wounds do … Continue reading Clowning For Adults

Clown me in workshop golf club 2019

Clowning for Kids

As a follow up to our performances for children, we suggest staging workshops with our young audiences. Clown Me In’s workshops for children include juggling, spinning plates, gymnastic ribbons, hula hooping (and other circus skills), giant bubbles, interactive (forum) theater, and music. Head over to our blog by clicking on the links below to find … Continue reading Clowning for Kids

Clown Workshops

Clown Me In uses clowning techniques to help people find the inner clown waiting to be discovered in each one of us. With our workshops we help participants focus on personal rebuilding, exploring humour and laughter, learning to let go, say yes, and acknowledge wounds and weaknesses in a comfortable, non-judgmental atmosphere. Psychological wounds do … Continue reading Clown Workshops

Clowning For Corporate

It’s a good recipe for us adults, to mix a little clown within the drama of work, to lighten the load and have a laugh and bit of warmth with co-workers in the midst of the seriousness we find ourselves in. The key to an effective team is to have members who complement on another. … Continue reading Clowning For Corporate