
Clown Me In helps people deal with their difficult social conditions and advocates for the amelioration of those conditions, in order to create a sustainable approach for social change. We try to engage the public by transmitting humanitarian and environmental messages, through artistic interventions.

We believe that art should serve society, by helping to initiate a healthy, democratic debate away from political tension and alienation. We are therefore committed to transmitting the values of freedom and social justice through our artistic work as clowns, while seeking  to engage in dialogue with people who do not necessarily share our values.

Our clowns are activists who, through art, advocate for:

  • A fair political system in Lebanon, away from corruption, sectarianism and political divisions
  • Better social and economic opportunities for everyone, regardless of their sex, nationality and ethnicity 
  • A healthy environment and the responsible management of natural resources

In the past years, Clown Me In members have been active in protesting the mis-management of waste in Lebanon, as well as the corruption of the ruling political elite, while advocating for other social themes, through online campaigns and clown attacks on the streets.

Our artivism helps society:

  • Become aware of social problems and ways of dealing with them
  • Advocate for important political, societal and environmental matters in a peaceful way
  • Engage in debates, away from the alienation experienced in the streets and on social media

Clown Vaccine

With Covid-19 vaccines being deployed in Lebanon, and with the rise of different opinions regarding each vaccine and its risks, the clowns voiced their individual and collective opinions in two videos. The videos were widely shared with more than 50,000 views during their first week of publishing.

Elections Campaign 2018

After a massive success at voicing the opinions of the public with the “At the beach” video, the clowns decided to run for the May 2018 elections. They had no plan, no strategy, and nothing to waste your time on. Still, they released a full campaign to go against the running political parties with photos … Continue reading Elections Campaign 2018

Trash Treasures (2017)

Well summer is here and we have been celebrating by spending time at the seaside! This thursday we all went to the beach for a relaxing time hanging out in the sun and swimming in the sea. But this was no ordinary beach! This was a beach in beautiful Lebanon! And this was no ordinary … Continue reading Trash Treasures (2017)